What is Strong Towns?

Strong Towns is a nonprofit media advocacy organization that supports thousands of people across the United States and Canada who are advocating for a radically new way of thinking about the way we build our world. Strong Towns YXE is just one of many local conversation groups being organized by grassroots advocates in cities across North America.

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Our Mission

We seek to replace Saskatoon’s post-war pattern of development, the Suburban Experiment, with a pattern of development that is financially strong and resilient. We advocate for Saskatoon to be safe, livable, and inviting. We work to elevate local government to be the highest level of collaboration for people working together in a place, not merely the lowest level in a hierarchy of governments.

Our Campaigns

End Highway Expansion

Highway expansion is the primary mechanism of local wealth destruction and municipal insolvency. We oppose the Saskatoon Freeway project and any further highway expansion.

Transparent Local Accounting

We seek to reveal the financial implications of the Suburban Experiment by increasing the transparency of local government accounting practices.

Incremental Housing

We seek to have the next increment of development intensity allowed, by right, in every neighborhood in Saskatoon.

Safe and Productive Streets

We seek to shift the priority of local streets from automobile throughput to human safety and wealth creation.

End Parking Mandates and Subsidies

We seek an end to the mandates and subsidies that cause productive land to be used for motor vehicle storage.